Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's Labor Day, It Must Be Time to Go Camping

Labor Day Weekend once again saw the return of the annual multi family camping trip. The Mancinis this year joined the Burkovich and Hossenlopp families at Holiday Hill campgrounds in Springwater, NY. While there, we were able to briefly sample the New York State Festival of Balloons in Dansville. Here now are just a few samples of the naturally outdoorsy goodness that the Mancinis enjoyed.

Here is Frankie renenacting a scene from the latest Spongebob Squarepants episode where Mr. Crabs finds a penny while camping with Spongebob and Patrick.

Fisherman Bobby proudly displays his catch. If you look closely, you can see the professional Pirates of the Carribean pole he used to bring in the vicious beast.

Tony displays "Sheldon" the turtle who was captured and subsequently labelled by all the kids. Please don't mention this to the DEC.

Frankie successfully restrains his jubilation after winning the youth fishing derby at the campground. The winning fish measured a whopping 15 inches. The trophy measured almost half of that.

Here is proof that we did not capture/torture everything we saw during the weekend. During a hike through the woods we found this waterfall. It's still there and relatively intact after our visit.

Here is one of the over 50 hot air balloons that we saw in Dansville.

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